Monday, November 3, 2008

Exciting Times!

Last week was Halloween, tomorrow is Election Day and next week is my 1st Birthday! Does it get any better than this?

Grammy and I have gone into business together with a product she named after me: Mortags. It's a play on words, since my name is Morgan and the taggie blankets she makes have "more tags" than other blankies! You can see me modeling one below. Let her know if you want one and she'll be glad to get you one, for a reasonable price!

If you read Jayme's blog last week, you know that we just got back from a fun trip to the mountains. My tummy was bothering me off and on that day, but I managed to have a good time, anyway! Like Jayme, I had fun on the hayride, riding in Grammy's lap and looking at all the apple trees. She has a cute necklace with pumpkins and candy corn on it and it's fun to play with!

On Halloween, I dressed up like Piglet and Jayme was Belle from Beauty and the Beast. We went to a "Trick or Trunk" at our church and they had 70 cars lined up with all of their trunks full of candy! Then, we went over to Diddy and Grammy's house to walk around their neighborhood. I had to stay in the stroller, but everyone said I was cute in my Piglet costume!

As I said, next week is my 1st Birthday and I can't wait! My Aunt Christy's birthday is today and I hope she had a good one!


Morgan Anne

Mortags For Sale!

Happy To Be Me!

Grammy And Me On The Hayride!

I Love Grammy's Necklace!

Just Call Me "Piglet"!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Birthdays, Birthdays and More Birthdays!

Happy Birthday to YOU!

I've been singing that a lot lately because it seems EVERYBODY was born around this time of year!

Today is my Cousin Katie's 27th birthday. I got to see her last month.

GiGi turned 77 last week and we had a party for her at Cracker Barrel!

My Great Aunt Gail had her 59th birthday a few days before that and we had a party for her at Applebees!

My Daddy turned 30 last month and we had a party for him at Diddy and Grammy's house.

Oh, and did I mention MY birthday's in November? I'll be ONE YEAR OLD!

Okay, now that that's over, let's see what's new. Teeth! I have six so far (four at the top and two on the bottom) and it seems like new ones come in just about every day! Sometimes I get cranky when they do, but Mommy says that's normal.

I don't have any trouble getting around on my stomach these days and I'm just about to get the hang of crawling!

I have lots of favorite games to play, including Peek-A-Boo and Humpty Dumpty. I like to play with blocks and clap my hands and laugh when people tickle me under the neck.

Just put me in my Pack'N'Play with some toys and I'll stay for hours! I can hold my own bottle, but I'm getting more and more of my food from baby food jars.

I've got lots of "baby rolls," but my big sister did when she was my age, too, and she worked it all off when she started crawling and walking.

I hope you enjoy the pictures below and send me some comments sometime!


Morgan Anne

Happy Birthday, Aunt Katie!

Mommy Says I Can't Light The Candles!

Who's The Baby In The Mirror?

Jayme, GiGi, Me and Caroline at Cracker Barrel!

Me and Daddy!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Nine Months Old!

Hi, folks!

It's been a busy summer, but I guess big sister Jayme already told you about much of it.

Know what? Ma turned 90 years old yesterday and we took her out to dinner at a restaurant! We had a cake for her and sang, "Happy Birthday" to her, along with the waiters and waitresses! Mommy let me eat some of the icing and it was good! I have three teeth now and I like to eat Cheerios, just like Jayme!

I'm trying to learn how to crawl and I can get up on all fours, but just can't figure out what to do from there! I'm better at scooting backwards on my tummy and rolling from side to side when I want to get somewhere! Daddy sometimes helps me stand up in front of the couch. He says he thinks I'm going to skip crawling and move right into walking!

Mommy and Daddy went out to eat tonight and Aunt Jessica stayed with me and Jayme. Daddy has to go to the hospital on Thursday to have some work done on his nose and throat, so he won't be eating a lot after that for a while!

They say I'm still a pretty good baby because I don't put up much of a fuss (unless, of course, I'm hungry and nobody's paying any attention to me, but that's understandable!).

Check out the pictures below and come back to visit real soon!


Morgan Anne

A Few Real Swingers!

My Seven Month Pose!

Road Trip? Let's Go!

End of a Long Day!

Look At My Toofies!

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Happy June!

Well, I'm six months old now...that's HALF A YEAR!

Unfortunately, they don't give you birthday parties for only a half-year! But, I've been having fun attending my big sister, Jayme's three-year-old parties. We got to go to Chuck E. Cheese and a Play Park and lots of places. Just strap me into my car seat and I'm ready to go anywhere!

I'm slowly, but surely giving up the bottle these days. Mommy feeds me strained peas and sweet potatoes and stuff I don't even recognize out of little jars. But, anything's better than that bottle. It was getting downright boring!

You can tell from the photos below that I'm certainly a well-fed baby! In fact, last night, I got stuck in my Bumbo seat and they had to use the Jaws of Life to get me out! (not really, but it was close!)

We had a yard sale over at Grammy and Grandaddy's house. I didn't do much except sit around. One time, Grandaddy put a sticker on me and pretended I was for sale! I think he was just kidding because nobody bought me!

Then, last weekend, we had a combination birthday party for Grandaddy and Memorial Day cookout. Everybody wanted to hold me and I got to sit in Ma's lap for a long time.

They say I'm an exceptionally good baby because I don't cry unless there's really something wrong. Why should I? What's the big deal?

Anyway, I love my big sister and she and I get to ride lots of places in our car seats in the back seat of our car. She likes to sing me songs in the car. She's also going to teach me my ABC's and how to count when I get bigger!

Hope you have a good week and stop in anytime!


Morgan Anne

Let's Go For A Ride!

Keep It Comin', Daddy!

My Five-Month Pose!

Who Will Buy?

Me and Ma Just Chillin'

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Growing Like A Weed!

Hi, y'all!

Morgan Anne here with the latest scoop!

I weigh almost 20 pounds and they say that's big for a 5 1/2-month-old!

Know what? I can hold my own bottle! (as long as it's not very full!)

I've had five ear infections so far and that means I qualify for ear tubes, like my big sister, Jayme! I go to the doctor on Thursday morning to have them put in. Hopefully, they will help me keep my chest clear and I won't have to use my Nebulizer as much as I have been.

They say I'm a very good baby. I sat through a whole church service this morning and didn't make a peep! But, you should have heard me when we got to Granddaddy and Grammy's house and I got hungry! I let them know they needed to feed me faster, but Daddy did his best, shoveling my sweet potatoes in my mouth between cries!

I like to make the grownups laugh when I smile at them. It's a fun game! Sometimes, I even laugh and that REALLY amuses them!

I hope you enjoy the photos below! Nite-nite for now!


Morgan Anne

Like My Easter Outfit?

Playing With Daddy's Mouth!

I Can Hold My Own Bottle, Grammy!

Is This Thing Safe?

Hold On Tight, Big Sister!

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter!

Hi, y'all!

Today was my First Easter and it was just as much fun as my big sister, Jayme, said it would be!

First of all, yesterday, we went to the park and had a picnic. It was a pretty day and the sun was shining. Fortunately, I had a shade on my stroller because I forgot my sunglasses!

Today, we got up and went to Granddaddy and Grammy's church and I sat on the back row and didn't make a peep the whole time! I saw lots of happy people and they were smiling because Jesus has risen, just like He said he would!

Then, we went over to Ma's house and had Easter dinner. Actually, I had formula, but the big folks had ham, potato salad, broccoli and cheese casserole, boiled potatoes, rolls and strawberry dessert!

Remember back in January when my big sister went to the hospital to have her adenoids taken out? Well, I went to the hospital this month because I got a virus called RSV. I stayed almost a whole week while the doctors and nurses helped me to breathe better. They sent me home with a Nebulizer. It makes little clouds of medicine and I have to breathe it in a few times every day until I get better. But, I'm already feeling a lot better and am glad to be back in my own home!

I've just learned how to roll from my back to my stomach! I'll show you next time I see you.

Thanks for stopping by!


Morgan Anne

Life Is Just A Bowl of Cherries!

You Don't Say!

My Turn in the Hospital

Eatin' Time Again!

Me in my Bunny Suit and Ma!

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Oh, So Close!

Well, even though I've just learned how to smile and laugh, there aren't too many smiles and laughter at my house tonight! My Daddy's Patriots just lost the Super Bowl by a whisker! But, I keep telling him they had a great season and he should be proud to be a fan! Maybe Uncle Dale is smiling since his Giants won!

Hello, everybody! Hope you're doing well!

It's been busy around here, as usual. It all started about a month ago when I got dedicated at our church. Mommy and Daddy and Jayme were up on stage with me, so I wasn't too scared. And the whole church said they would pray for me and my parents as I grow up! Isn't that nice!

I've been mostly drinking milk and eating oatmeal out of my bottle lately. It must be working because the doctor says I'm bigger than most kids my size! I'm still making funny noises when I eat, but they say that will go away as I get older.

The grownups spend a lot of time with me, trying to make me smile and laugh. Every once in a while, I give them a big smile or laugh, just because they look so funny! I hope they don't act like that when I have my friends over!

Mommy has a full time job at the church pre-school where Jayme goes to school and I get to stay with Grandma and Grammy and Ms. Karen and sometimes Mimi during the week. Daddy's still working at two jobs, but we hope that won't have to be for much longer.

Hope you enjoy the pictures below. Did you know you can make them bigger by clicking on them? Nitey-nite!


Morgan Anne

My Dedication Day

I Like My Bouncy Seat!

How I Wake Up Every Morning!

It's Been A Hard Day's Night!

Even My "Rally Cap" Didn't Help!