Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Nine Months Old!

Hi, folks!

It's been a busy summer, but I guess big sister Jayme already told you about much of it.

Know what? Ma turned 90 years old yesterday and we took her out to dinner at a restaurant! We had a cake for her and sang, "Happy Birthday" to her, along with the waiters and waitresses! Mommy let me eat some of the icing and it was good! I have three teeth now and I like to eat Cheerios, just like Jayme!

I'm trying to learn how to crawl and I can get up on all fours, but just can't figure out what to do from there! I'm better at scooting backwards on my tummy and rolling from side to side when I want to get somewhere! Daddy sometimes helps me stand up in front of the couch. He says he thinks I'm going to skip crawling and move right into walking!

Mommy and Daddy went out to eat tonight and Aunt Jessica stayed with me and Jayme. Daddy has to go to the hospital on Thursday to have some work done on his nose and throat, so he won't be eating a lot after that for a while!

They say I'm still a pretty good baby because I don't put up much of a fuss (unless, of course, I'm hungry and nobody's paying any attention to me, but that's understandable!).

Check out the pictures below and come back to visit real soon!


Morgan Anne

A Few Real Swingers!

My Seven Month Pose!

Road Trip? Let's Go!

End of a Long Day!

Look At My Toofies!