Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Birthdays, Birthdays and More Birthdays!

Happy Birthday to YOU!

I've been singing that a lot lately because it seems EVERYBODY was born around this time of year!

Today is my Cousin Katie's 27th birthday. I got to see her last month.

GiGi turned 77 last week and we had a party for her at Cracker Barrel!

My Great Aunt Gail had her 59th birthday a few days before that and we had a party for her at Applebees!

My Daddy turned 30 last month and we had a party for him at Diddy and Grammy's house.

Oh, and did I mention MY birthday's in November? I'll be ONE YEAR OLD!

Okay, now that that's over, let's see what's new. Teeth! I have six so far (four at the top and two on the bottom) and it seems like new ones come in just about every day! Sometimes I get cranky when they do, but Mommy says that's normal.

I don't have any trouble getting around on my stomach these days and I'm just about to get the hang of crawling!

I have lots of favorite games to play, including Peek-A-Boo and Humpty Dumpty. I like to play with blocks and clap my hands and laugh when people tickle me under the neck.

Just put me in my Pack'N'Play with some toys and I'll stay for hours! I can hold my own bottle, but I'm getting more and more of my food from baby food jars.

I've got lots of "baby rolls," but my big sister did when she was my age, too, and she worked it all off when she started crawling and walking.

I hope you enjoy the pictures below and send me some comments sometime!


Morgan Anne

Happy Birthday, Aunt Katie!

Mommy Says I Can't Light The Candles!

Who's The Baby In The Mirror?

Jayme, GiGi, Me and Caroline at Cracker Barrel!

Me and Daddy!